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Don't Look Back


It's so hard to not look back on this day a year ago, and not cry. I had just created beautiful pictures with her 10 days before this morning, and then today happened. I got a text from her mom at 7:30 am saying she was in an accident. My heart literally stopped for a moment and I felt faint. It was deja vu all over again for me. I was down this road 3 years ago. My husband and I spent time in the hospital waiting room that first night, waiting for news. I went to see Corinn, and I still remember my reaction, for you see, I had been looking into her eyes for 2 years now. The intake of breathe, the cry out, and the numbing realization that I wouldn't see her alive broke me, and made my son accident very real by association, remembering that week without the numbness this time. The pain her parents would go through, the heart breaking decisions that would have to be made, the waiting for her to come through the door............and then the connection that it will never happen this side of Heaven again. She was such a gift to me, and I don't say that lightly. The first year after my son's death, I didn't want to pick up my camera at all, and Corinn somehow figured that out. She gently forced me to live again, and gave me back something that was priceless......the will to move on without Adrian. She truly understood that I was shutting down on the inside, even when no one knew it, she did.

It is hard not to look back and cry for the loss of not only a friend, but a loving daughter, sister, and granddaughter, but a beautiful soul that reached so many people with her music, smile, laughter, and genuine caring nature for all she came in contact with. My son told his best friend the day of the his accident that he could learn to love her more than he thought was possible given the chance. I already did, and love her family. They are the most wonderful, caring, loving family you will meet. That is where Corinn got it from. I will miss her very much, songbird. Thank-you for caring enough to help me get through the first 2 years of pain, heartache, and shock. You are a hero of mine, and will forever be one of my favorite muses.



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